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State of the Union

Admin (Garrett Zatlin)

It's another lazy Sunday for TSR, but we figured we'd give you an update, address a few things, and let you know what to expect from us in the future.


Due to time constraints, we will not be publishing a new article tomorrow. We will be preparing new content for the upcoming week.


First off, thank you to everyone who has been following our XC Top 50! We're really happy with the response we've been getting and I like to think that it will create some friendly discussion.

If you enjoyed our Top 50 rankings, be sure to stayed for our D2 Top 20! That will be coming very, very soon...

The site keeps growing

This summer has been tremendous for the site and we can't thank you enough for spreading the word. In June, we saw our number of users spike by over triple of our previous monthly high. The best part is that it wasn't a fluke. July is on track to do similar numbers.

If you like what you've seen so far, do us a favor and share with a friend. You can also follow us on Twitter. A retweet goes a loooonnnng way.

Career update

In April, I accepted an offer for a full-time job that would begin on July 23rd (tomorrow). When I graduated in May, I knew I would have about two and half months to continue building The Stride Report and implement some new features. That's why the DATA page was created, to make TSR a valuable site even when a new article can't be posted.

What does this mean for you?

In all honesty, not a whole lot. We are still going to consistently produce articles, update certain aspects of the site, and provide new features when we can.

The only differences you may notice will be...

  • Articles and social media being posted in the late evening

  • Potentially shorter articles (although not by much)

  • Our two-day break shifting to Friday and Saturday instead of Saturday and Sunday

  • Slightly slower site updates

  • You may begin to see more podcasts

The search for new contributors continues...

With a new job taking up most of my time, The Stride Report needs to find new ways to become sustainable without me producing four articles a week. We are still looking for writers to join the TSR crew and help make this as big as we think it can be. We may also be looking for photographers in the near future.

We are also entertaining the idea of adding new podcasts to join our platform. If you know about a running podcast that isn't already hosted by another site (like CITIUS Mag) then send us an email. We'll happily entertain anyone interested in joining TSR.

If you know anyone who may be remotely interested in becoming a TSR writer, be sure to let us know! With the site growing as rapidly as it is, you may want to hop on now while you can. After all, the only requirement is to write one article a week...


As of right now, our content is 100% free and we would prefer to keep it that way. If you know a company or a sponsor who has extra room in their marketing budget, we would love to talk with them! Be sure to send us an email at


If you haven't already, be sure to check out our DATA page. We are constantly updating the TRANSFERS section and are slowly adding new conferences to the TITLES page. Who knows? Maybe we'll be adding even more cool features in the future...

If you have any new ideas for the site, don't hesitate to send us an email! We love chatting with readers and getting their feedback.

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