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730 Days Later

Happy Birthday to us!

Today officially marked the second anniversary since The Stride Report was launched and to say that the journey has been fun is an understatement. If you were following the site back in December, you may have read our New Years Eve article Sick of Being Mediocre which discusses how far the site, and our readership, has come over the past two years. We wont overwhelm you with another sentimental piece, but I like to think that that article captures the epitome of what we're all about and what we're trying to do.

As a thank you for sticking with us, we're giving away free TSR t-shirts! All you have to do is retweet/share this article on Twitter and/or Instagram (make sure to tag us on Instagram so we don't miss it). We will message the winners on Friday!

So where do we go from here? What else does TSR have in store?

Simply put, a lot.

Due to popular demand, a TSR-produced podcast will be returning to the site! That's still in the works, but you can expect to learn more about that in the next week or two. We are also aiming to add more photos to the site, but that is on a week-to-week basis when our contributors are able to attend certain meets.

We also have a new writer on the way who will help expand our coverage among collegiate women, Division Two performances, and a variety of aspects around Division One. Official announcement on that coming soon...

We have plenty of other exciting site features and updates in the works that we can't necessarily disclose yet (and may not be able to for a while). However, just know that TSR is working to make 2019 it's best year by far!

At the same time, we are always open to new suggestions, feedback, and general comments about the site. If you have an idea for what you want to see on TSR, be sure to let us know! It can be anything from new features, databases, social media content, apparel, etc. If you can think about it, we'll consider it.

We also acknowledge that a few of our readers want us to expand our written coverage. Although we can't get to everything, we know that there are so many talented runners out there that deserve some recognition (looking at you D3 and NAIA). Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you.

Additionally, we're always looking for new contributors (not just writers). Take a look at our ABOUT & FAQ page and check out the below section to see if there are any opportunities that may interest you. Working with TSR is a commitment, but it is a phenomenal way to get involved with content creation and to join a growing platform in the running community. We can't take everyone, but we will always take the time to chat with someone who is interested or even just curious.

Thank you to everyone who has supported TSR. Whether you've been reading since day one or just found out about us, we're happy to have you on board. This is all we have for tonight (the real-world awaits in the morning), but stay tuned to the site throughout the week as we prepare for outdoors!

Stay happy, stay healthy.

Your loyal admin,

Garrett Zatlin

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